About Us

We are proud to be an employee ownership trust company.

Our mission is to provide Customers & Stakeholders with the most effective energy efficiency solutions, while also providing an efficient, and first-class experience.

Our team of 50+ colleagues includes a range of knowledge and expertise, across the skill sets of Project & Customer Engagement Management; Insulation & Renewables Installation Services; Marketing & Technology; Energy Efficiency Software (SAAS) Analysis Tools; all combined to deliver successful objectives for Home & Business Owners, as well as larger Stakeholder projects.

What is an EOT?


Define the Need:
What is the Customer or Stakeholder wishing to achieve?

Define the Best Solution, Process, Challenges & Outcome:
Always Act from a Human-Centric Focus

Relationships First:
Develop Strong Customer Relationships, putting attention on meaningful listening, while developing meaningful connections, and using empathy, knowledge and understanding to achieve successful outcomes and objectives

Act Positively & Decisively:
Mean What We Say; Say What We Mean

Insulation for park homes
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About Us

Our Company Values

Platinum ECO Services Ltd (and its trading brand Platinum Park Home Services) is not like every other business. When you work in our Company, you become a Partner.

Becoming a Partner, brings both rewards, and responsibilities; these responsibilities include becoming a Custodian of the Business, whilst ensuring the adherence to a Code of Conduct, and a Set of Values that underpin our Business.

We believe in the following:

We believe there is a better way of doing business, which is driven by nurturing each and every individual within the business while putting ourselves ‘Into the Shoes’ of our Customers and Clients. This means amongst other things, to ensure that we are not driven by quick and meaningless profits, but to establish successful relationships while delivering our services. And in turn, to take the ‘Long View’, and to nurture long-term relationships.


PPHS insights

Curious to learn more?

We work with Home and Business Owners, Local Authorities, Managing Agents, Architects and other industry stakeholders to support all carbon reduction programs.

What is an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT)?

EOT Logo

EOT’s were facilitated and created by the Finance Act 2014, to encourage more companies to become employee owned.

Employee ownership is where all employees have a ‘significant and meaningful’ stake in a business.

An EOT places a majority of its company shares into a Trust, for the benefit of its Employees; an EOT may also issue shares directly to Employees as part of share incentive plans.

The shares held in Trust for Employees will provide various benefits to Employees, including a share of any future sales proceeds of the Business, as well as tax-free bonuses up to a certain limit.

Platinum ECO Services Ltd (as well as our trading brand Platinum Park Homes Services), is an EOT and is majority owned by its employees.

The current owner of the business decided to create an EOT for his Employees, as part of an ongoing and inclusive approach toward incentivising and rewarding Employees’ commitment and hard work.