Your Gateway to Green Funding

Launching in 2024, is a platform for those involved in the Energy Efficiency / Carbon Reduction Industry.

ECOversal will provide significant opportunities for Installers and Stakeholders alike. Maximising their business opportunities and delivery objectives, while accessing a range of Support Services and Funding Options.

Key objectives of ECOversal

ECOversal has a set of clear objectives to aid, guide and assist industries including:

Who will benefit from ECOversal

From Contractors and Installers of Green Energy Systems & Technology through to Stakeholders and End Users, many will benefit from ECOversal including:

What will ECOversal provide

ECOversal will aid, guide and assist businesses involved in Green Energy with funding and information, including:

Solar repairs
Park Home External Insulation
Solar Repairs and Testing
New Builds
Solar Panels

Join ECOversal Today

If you would like to enjoy the benefits of ECOversal, please complete our registration form below and an ECOversal Team Member will be in contact with you soon.

Curious to learn more?

For all of your Park Home requirements, please visit our dedicated website, Platinum Park Home Services (PPHS).

What is an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT)?

EOT Logo

EOT’s were facilitated and created by the Finance Act 2014, to encourage more companies to become employee owned.

Employee ownership is where all employees have a ‘significant and meaningful’ stake in a business.

An EOT places a majority of its company shares into a Trust, for the benefit of its Employees; an EOT may also issue shares directly to Employees as part of share incentive plans.

The shares held in Trust for Employees will provide various benefits to Employees, including a share of any future sales proceeds of the Business, as well as tax-free bonuses up to a certain limit.

Platinum ECO Services Ltd (as well as our trading brand Platinum Park Homes Services), is an EOT and is majority owned by its employees.

The current owner of the business decided to create an EOT for his Employees, as part of an ongoing and inclusive approach toward incentivising and rewarding Employees’ commitment and hard work.