Meet the Team



I am delighted to have such an amazing team to work alongside at Platinum ECO Services Ltd, and our associated trading brands.

In February 2023, our business became an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT), whereby 62% of my shareholding was put into Trust for the benefit of my team.

We look forward to continuing to work hard and effectively for our wonderful Clients & Customers, and thank you for your support.



Sam is Platinum Eco Services’ Managing Director, and is the company’s longest serving employee with vast knowledge and experience of the Industry.

Sam is always looking for ways to innovate and improve, and has played an instrumental part in PES becoming recognised as one of the leading insulation and renewable companies in the UK’s retrofit market. 

Sam has big plans for the future of the company and will continue to drive all aspects of the business forward in the coming years.



Tasmin, without a doubt, is the most organised and meticulous individual living on the South Coast!

Tasmin heads up the Operations at PES and understands every nut and bolt of the business. The whole team looks up to Tasmin for guidance and advice, and she ensures every member of staff benefits from her intrinsic knowledge and understanding of successful business Operations.

Her attention to detail and fierce focus on processes has enabled the company to grow and multiply from a rock-solid foundation.



With a rugged determination, Jess’ positive attitude and experience will solve any problem thrown her way. If there is an internal issue or a client that needs assistance, you can count on Jess.

Jess is versatile, dependable and holds many responsibilities both within Head Office and out on the field. Jess recently became a qualified Domestic Energy Assessor which adds yet another string to her bow.



Rachel is known for her statistical prowess, and makes it her mission to ensure our Project Managers deliver on the promises made to our clients.

Rachel possesses an amazing understanding of industry compliance and focuses her time between residents and being the beacon of light for our funding delivery partners. Rachel works closely on the overview of every funding stream we operate under, ensuring Platinum Eco Services deliver its remit on every occasion.Project



Beth joined Platinum Eco Services as a Project Administrator, but her remarkable organisational skills and keen eye for detail were clear from the start, making promotion to Operations Manager swift and inevitable!

Her kind, caring nature and efficiency makes her a favourite with our clients, funding providers and fellow colleagues alike, and she carries out all aspects of her role with professionalism, dedication, and positivity.



Paige started at Platinum Eco Services as a Project Administrator and quickly became an invaluable member of the team rising through the ranks to become our Project Funding Compliance Manager.

Experienced in enabling work, snagging and quality assessment, Paige is a fully capable team member and handles any issues that crop up with steady resilience, speed and efficiency. Her attention to detail is second to none and any new project that comes through the door will be digested by Paige to ensure it’s delivered in the most efficient way possible.




Charlotte is a key player within our Project Management team. She has a vital role in ensuring customers’ homes are compliant and ready for installation, whilst also providing fantastic customer service across the board. Charlotte has used her experience, and technical knowledge, to lead a local authority scheme to help residents in our local community. This is all alongside supporting our Operations Manager with the delivery of other projects.



Caitlin wears many hats in the business, from HR to creating and nurturing relationships with our vast network of installers.

Caitlin, who recently welcomed her first child, is impressively managing the responsibilities of full-time motherhood alongside excelling in her role as a Project Manager. A woman of many talents!



Lilly is the backbone of our administration and customer experience team here at Platinum Eco Services.

Her ability to handle various tasks efficiently, provide excellent service and keep standards high across all customer channels are second to none.

Lilly also plays an important part in supporting our Project Management team, to ensure our customer journey is as seamless as possible, from start to finish.



Alice is a crucial part of the customer journey at Platinum Eco Services, and is often the friendly voice you’ll hear when you call into our office.

Alice is a great asset to our administration and customer experience team, dedicated to providing top-notch exceptional support ensuring every detail is taken care of from the beginning to the very end of your Platinum journey.



Josh brings a wealth of knowledge to Platinum Eco Services and has implemented innovative ideas allowing the business to improve efficiency.

His profound technical expertise and passion for ensuring that each project is executed at the utmost standard has been instrumental in maintaining our benchmarks and exceptional quality.

Josh has established strong working relationships with our Retrofit Assessors allowing us to communicate updates and improve quality for our clients and customers.



Jennie is our IT queen and the woman behind the systems that enable us to keep all our customers’ data safe, and offer a fantastic customer experience.

Diligent and methodical, Jennie has an operation for each step in every process we follow in the office. Having previously held a role as a Customer Service Assistant at PES, Jennie ensures that each step in all our processes are easy to follow and work with.



Holly may seem like ‘fluff and fangs’ when you first meet her, but don’t worry as her bark is worse than her bite!
Holly makes it her duty to boss Ted around and let everyone know of any ‘dangers’ that may be lurking around the office. Whether that’s a delivery driver at the door, the sandwich van arriving or a seagull flying passed by the window!



The gentle giant of the office, Ted is always lazing somewhere nearby.
He may look fast asleep but his nose never has a day off. When it comes to a lunch break, he is always one sniff away from your desk in case a tasty morsel drops to the floor!
Ted loves a good hug but be careful as slobber is always  included!


Curious to learn more?

We work with Home and Business Owners, Local Authorities, Managing Agents, Architects and other industry stakeholders to support all carbon reduction programs.

What is an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT)?

EOT Logo

EOT’s were facilitated and created by the Finance Act 2014, to encourage more companies to become employee owned.

Employee ownership is where all employees have a ‘significant and meaningful’ stake in a business.

An EOT places a majority of its company shares into a Trust, for the benefit of its Employees; an EOT may also issue shares directly to Employees as part of share incentive plans.

The shares held in Trust for Employees will provide various benefits to Employees, including a share of any future sales proceeds of the Business, as well as tax-free bonuses up to a certain limit.

Platinum ECO Services Ltd (as well as our trading brand Platinum Park Homes Services), is an EOT and is majority owned by its employees.

The current owner of the business decided to create an EOT for his Employees, as part of an ongoing and inclusive approach toward incentivising and rewarding Employees’ commitment and hard work.