Dedicated Park Home System

External Wall and Underfloor Insulation, Renewables and Refurbishment Services for Park Homes

Our premium, 6 layer park home External Wall Insulation system, features thick grey graphite expanded polystyrene boards, topped with layers of mesh and render that set hard and are then finished with a protective smooth top coat, available in over 1500 colours.

Our Solar PV system is a dedicated Park Home System with a choice between in-roof or on-rail. You also have a choice of battery storage to maximise the delivery of your solar PV system.

Park Home Insulation
Park Home External Insulation
Park home insulation

Refurbishment Services for Park Homes

Thinking about refurbishing your park home’s walls? Our Park Home refurbishment services include:
Park Home Refurbishment Service
Park Home Window Refurbishment
Park Home Bathroom Refurbishment

Solar PV for Park Homes

Solar Energy and battery storage is the world’s fastest growing renewable energy solution, powering homes and businesses, while helping owners save on energy bills, while hedging against rising fuel costs.

With the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) you can also earn money back for exporting excess solar energy generated by your solar panel system into the grid. Potential Payback from Solar Panel & Battery Storage installation, could be as much as £37,000 over 25 years.

Solar panels on your park home roof offer the opportunity for the following:

Solar PV
Park home solar
Solar PV for park homes

Curious to learn more?

For all of your Park Home requirements, please visit our dedicated website, Platinum Park Home Services (PPHS).

What is an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT)?

EOT Logo

EOT’s were facilitated and created by the Finance Act 2014, to encourage more companies to become employee owned.

Employee ownership is where all employees have a ‘significant and meaningful’ stake in a business.

An EOT places a majority of its company shares into a Trust, for the benefit of its Employees; an EOT may also issue shares directly to Employees as part of share incentive plans.

The shares held in Trust for Employees will provide various benefits to Employees, including a share of any future sales proceeds of the Business, as well as tax-free bonuses up to a certain limit.

Platinum ECO Services Ltd (as well as our trading brand Platinum Park Homes Services), is an EOT and is majority owned by its employees.

The current owner of the business decided to create an EOT for his Employees, as part of an ongoing and inclusive approach toward incentivising and rewarding Employees’ commitment and hard work.